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FIFA 20 Career mode: all the news

mmoamcom на Mego-forum
09.08.19 12:24

FIFA 20 Comfort Trade EA SPORTS has disclosed the first information on the changes made to FIFA 20 Career Mode. In particular a more managerial experience will be guaranteed thanks to a new range of features for conversations between players and pre and post game press conferences. after revealing details on Pro Club and FUT,

The countdown to September 27th the date of arrival on the market of FIFA 20 the video game created by EA Sport which is always an unmissable opportunity for all the soccer players has begun. Like every year the news will not fail to attract the attention of the many fans even though this time Konami the fiercest "rival" is ready to give a hard time with the exclusive presence of Juventus.

Among other innovations there is the improved Dynamic Potential for players within thebuy FUT 20 Comfort Trade team a factor that will evolve over time based on performance in the previous season. Below you will find instead all the news related to FIFA 20 Pro Club and Ultimate:

The intent that EA Sports wanted to put in place is always the same that is to make the gaming environment as close as possible to reality. And to increase the wait he wanted to announce the news through a post published on his Twitter profile.

Particular attention was paid to the transfer market one of the phases that always attracts interest among soccer players to the idea of ​​seeing their team strengthened. Inevitably the psychological aspect of the players will eventually be conditioned by these decisions. The user will then have the opportunity to take an active part in one of the most traditional institutional moments: the presentation of the players during press conferences.

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