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Discover the Thrills of the New Zombies Map in CoD Black Ops 6

videogame на Mego-forum
06.12.24 04:01

The launch of a brand new Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies map is always exciting.

Treyarch's return to the round-based formula has injected a breath of fresh air into one of Call of Duty's most popular modes, much to the delight of fans wanting to slay the undead.

Alongside Terminus and Liberty Falls, a brand new map is on its way as the latest chapter of the Dark Aether storyline continues. Want all the intel on the new Zombies map? Then look no further!

Treyarch has confirmed that Citadelle des Morts, the new BO6 Zombies map, will launch on Thursday 5th December 2024 at 5pm GMT.

Set in an abandoned central European castle, Citadelle des Morts contains a wealth of areas to explore.

Ranging from the Town Square in the centre of the map to the Dungeon and Undercroft packed with a maze of winding tunnels, there are plenty of places where the undead can emerge.

Alongside a new spooky setting, Citadelle des Morts introduces a brand new enemy in the form of the Doppelghast.

The Doppelghast features two screaming heads constantly on the hunt for their next victim. Its erratic movements are guaranteed to make it a tricky opponent to contend with when making it to the higher rounds.

Expect a similar atmosphere to Terminus, with lots of dark areas to explore and all kinds of creatures to fend off.

As with all new Zombies maps, there will be a new Easter Egg quest to complete as the story continues to evolve with each post-launch season.

Shortly after players have had time to figure out the main Easter Egg quest, Treyarch will launch a Directed mode to give players a helping hand.

In addition to a new map, the developer has shared intel on some of the items players can expect to see within the confines of Citadelle des Morts:

    Bastard Sword Wonder Weapon
    Vulture Aid Perk-a-Cola
    Light Mend Ammo Mod
    Tesla Storm Field Upgrade
    Power Keg GobbleGum
    Time Out GobbleGum
    Holiday Cheer GobbleGum
    Hand Cannon Scorestreak

Tesla Storm, Light Mend and Vulture Aid all have new Minor and Major Augments to research, ranging from faster healing to an increased chance of Zombies dropping your current set of equipment.

For more info, please visit the game hub U4GM. You can also buy bo6 redeem codes here to get rewards like operator skins, blueprints, calling cards, and more. Instant Sending!


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