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The Call of Duty League announced a server update for its competitive matches

rodeoneerer на Mego-forum
24.04.20 12:23

Call of Duty CP Points The Call of Duty League announced a server update for its competitive matches as well as a server veto system for teams in the online format. This system will be implemented this weekend for the Chicago Huntsmen's home series which will be held online starting tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. US eastern time and go through Sunday.

The CoD League's decision to restructure their inaugural season to an online format has forced the teams and production crew to make some major adjustments for the remaining slate of events.

Four additional servers have been added for the league bringing up the total amount of league servers to nine. The league promised stronger connectivity and fewer lag spikes than prior events.

"Through a number of server upgrades and rigorous buy Call of Duty CP Coinstesting we are working toward improved match play connectivity and better protections against server lag spikes that led to connection issues during our last event," they said in their announcement.

This announcement comes on the heels of continuing complaints from players about server lag issues. Lag spikes visibly affected performance throughout the online event for the Dallas home series on April 10-12. The Florida Mutineers won the event in a 3-1 final over the Minnesota RØKKR. This was the first Call of Duty League online event and the first event since the league went on hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic following the Los Angeles home series on March 7-8.

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