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Top 5 Best Stasis Weapons In Destiny 2

videogame на Mego-forum
20.03.23 17:48

Destiny 2 introduced the Stasis damage-type weapons, which will slow and freezes targets in solid ice, providing unprecedented levels of crowd control, so this type of weapon has become much more important. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of some of the strongest Stasis weapons in the game.

1. Verglas Curve

Verglas Curve is one of the powerful new exotic weapons. The unique perk of the weapon is Hail Barrage, which builds up Stasis arrows on final blows. Then, your next hip-fire shot fires all built-up arrows in a single volley, freezing several enemies simultaneously. A very fun and effective Stasis bow.

2. Fire and Forget

Fire and Forget is a Legendary Linear Fusion Rifle introduced into Destiny 2 with Season of the Seraph. This fantastic Stasis weapon is incredible in both PvE and PvP content. The gun can roll with many different Perks and sits in a Heavy slot. For the past few seasons, Linear Fusion Rifles have dealt some of the best DPS in the game.

3. Ager’s Scepter

Ager’s Scepter is a trace rifle, but it packs a real punch. This weapon has one of the best exotic catalysts in the game. You can literally obliterate hordes of enemies within a second, and its ability to freeze enemies at their location is the cherry on top.

4. Krait

If you’re looking for a Stasis auto rifle, then look no further than Krait. While the Veist Stinger perk has been nerfed as Lightfall, this thing is still an absolute bullet hose thanks to perks like Subsistence and Overflow. Plus, it can generate Stasis crystals with Headstone or simply mow down foes with One For All.

5. Riptide

Riptide is the best Stasis Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2. With Chill Clip, Riptide can easily cut down powerful foes and slow or freeze groups of enemies. With the right reloading perk to ensure you’re firing out chilling bursts as often as possible, it’s a big help against even Champions and other dangerous opponents. After all, from utility to damage, Riptide has it all.

These are some of the best Stasis weapons available in Destiny 2. Hopefully, this guide was helpful, and you have learned something new about Stasis weapons. For more info, you can browse U4gm.com, such as where to buy cheap Destiny 2 Silver; these will help you take your journey to the next level.


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