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Blizzard just allowed players to play the old known raid Blackwing Lair

rodeoneerer на Mego-forum
22.02.20 14:07

cheap WOW Classic EU Gold Blizzard just allowed players to play the old known raid Blackwing Lair and it took "incredible" 42 minutes to see how the main boss Nefarian was killed.

Many players slowly began complaining about the monotony of Classic and the patch was supposed to be a minor refresh. buy WOW Classic Gold eu As we can see, it was just a short fun for hardcore gamers. Passing techniques have already been trained from the old days, so raid was able to pass relatively quickly and without problems.

The first raid kill was a Calamity guild, which consisted of one tank, 11 healers and 28 pieces of PCB.

If you need cheap WOW Classic EU Gold, come to z2u.com and they will provide you with the best service.

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