239 1623

Participants for the beta were selected from a smaller

Sagelucy на Mego-forum
16.10.22 18:01

An History of World of Warcraft So FarSee More World of Warcraft Classic Release Date Announced Beta Launches

World of Warcraft Classic, the retro re-release of WoW in its most authentic state will be available on the 27th of August in 2019. Blizzard announced the release date along with a neat collector's version but you do not have to wait till the summer to test the game. A closed beta has also been running since May 15.

Participants for the beta were selected from a smaller selection of existing WoW players. Stress tests to follow will take place frequently from May to July. You can register on the official site.

World of Warcraft Classic lets players play the game as it was in existence almost 15 years ago, upon the release of version 1.12 "Drums of War" update. Blizzard states that it finds this timeframe to be the correct balance of the game, resembling its first version, and has also removed some of the problems that came with the launch. This version also has some improvements under the hood that include modern server infrastructure and Battle.net Social features.

If you're already a WoW subscriber, you'll have access to Classic too, without cost. WoW Classic will also be releasing content in stages, following the original order of content releases.

If you want to know more about WoTLK Classic Gold, please visit https://www.p2pah.com/wow-wotlk-classic-gold.html

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